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The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)


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Offline Blitz

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2007, 04:50:51 pm »
B] Other than Minimal A/Swaps, these can all be proven with a picture.
I'm personally against using using a picture as proof, because any advanced picture editor can create almost any scene by editing several pixels. There also is still the dispute that it's WAY too wide a variety of challenges. There are dispute over what counts as what.
I like the idea, but the basis doesn't meet the subsite guidelines.
Quote from: Rolken
- Clearly defined focus
MAYBE if you tweaked around with the idea and knocked out the kinks, it would be more worthy (it's a great idea, but this type of thing is probably best off staying in the competition threads).

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #31 on: June 08, 2007, 03:54:40 pm »
Re: Heroes:
I've experimented the Minimal Swaps, Fastest Death, and 1-Life challenges for Heroes. Minimal Swaps is surprisingly quite interesting! There are things that need to be ironed out though which I'll get to. The 1-Life Challenge is REALLY good and I can see how competitive it may get. I'm not too interested in the Fastest Death for each level since a lot of them are fairly easy (e.g, start on a rail, just move left and you're dead, easily-maxed times).

I even took pictures of my 1-Life runs. If you're interested, I could add them.
My opinion with the Minimal Swaps/Minimal A: you have to set up a special class or something to highlight that the less swaps, the higher the rank on the table. 0 swaps is better than 1 swap (and yeah, I've gotten 0 swaps on two levels so far).

Regarding the Minimal Swaps, you need to highlight the ruling on checkpoints. They shouldn't be allowed or something because if you get to a checkpoint, someone could easily justify that as being allowed to go back down to 0 swaps although I never did in the runs I did.

I can help you a lot in the Heroes challenges (same goes for Riders).

Re: Riders:
I came up with this idea for a challenge that's stuck in my mind for a long time:
-> Gear Challenge
 - Self-explanatory: Can only use specific gear. This should appeal to Riders players who got frustrated, claiming that "High Booster took over".
 Divisions would be:
   (1) Default Gear - will attract the most interest, I'm sure. No High Booster means even tighter competition requiring even better skills throughout!
   (2) The Crazy - just in case you don't know, uses rings as opposed to air: will also require more caution
   (3) Other ideas?: E-Rider, Hovercraft, Cannonball
This one isn't as good but I'm just throwing it out there anyway...
-> Ring/1-Up Challenge
 - Based on the 1-Up challenge, how fast you can reach Level 3: NO ITEM BOXES.

There was something else I had to say about one of the Heroes challenges but I forget..

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Offline Bilan

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Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #32 on: June 08, 2007, 04:36:15 pm »
(e.g, start on a rail, just move left and you're dead, easily-maxed times).

Dont bet on that, its harder to max than you might think.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline JBertolli

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #33 on: June 08, 2007, 04:59:17 pm »
Here are some of my records for Heroes as an example:

Fastest Death
Seaside Hill
Sonic - 8.58
Dark - 9.04
Rose - 4.71
Chaotix - 3.73

Minimal Swaps
Seaside Hill
Sonic - 0
Dark - 0
Chaotix - 0

As for Rose, I have tried 0 swapping but I think there were a few spots requiring fly (somewhere after the first set of bonus rings). And, based on memory and theory, that is the only place needed for a swap making 2 swaps at the least.

And, yeah, it is a lot harder than you think to max out things like that. Though, I do think that Rose Egg Fleet would end up and extremely maxed Death level since you can die without even touching the ground (when able to control Amy).

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #34 on: June 08, 2007, 05:09:13 pm »
I tried them and some stages could be easily maxed. E.g, Ocean Palace/Sonic.
But getting the max is fun! :)

Oh, and getting Minmal Swaps doesn't mean anything. You need to get it all in the fastest time too. And I don't know how you didn't use any swaps in Seaside/Dark. You probably used checkpoints. See RingRush, this is what I'm saying. This needs to be ironed out cause I gave all my stats real effort. My best on Seaside/Dark is 3 swaps, 4:24:33. SOME of my scores can be found below:

Fastest Deaths - Team Sonic
Seaside- 8.56 - Mine beats LK64's by 2 mills! :D This is exciting!
Ocean - 7.71
Grand - 10.66
Power - 6.81 6.74
Frog - 6.53 6.36
Mystic - 7.26
Egg - 21.39
Final - 10.19

1-Up - Team Sonic - Can provide proof for all these. Anyone interested?
Seaside - 1:03 0:41
Ocean - 1:29 1:10
Grand - 1:19 1:15
Power - 1:49
Rail - 1:19
Bullet - 1:59
Frog - 1:20
Lost - 1:20
Hang - 1:01
Mystic - 1:36 1:26
Egg - 1:57
Final - 2:36

Minimal Swaps
Seaside/Sonic: 2 Swaps/3:39:24
Seaside/Rose: 0 SWAPS!/ 1:57:43
Ocean/Sonic: 1 Swap/4:18:56
Ocean/Rose: 1 Swap/ 2:26:69
Grand/Sonic: 3 Swaps/3:57:49
Grand/Rose: 0 SWAPS!/3:36:74

Oh and it should be noted that the leader gates don't count against you for swaps.

And LK64, my stat for Seaside/Rose is legit. It is possible to get through using only Amy. You just need to know what you're doing, that's all.

Boy, RingRush, I'm confident the Heroes divisions will be competitive as will the Riders' Default Gear division.

RR, to save you the trouble: UPDATE:

SA2 ~ Minimal A m1, Minimal A m2, Minimal A m3, Minimal A m5, Minimal Score m1, Minimal Score m5, Fast Death, 2P rings, Fast Life
SA(DX) ~ Minimal A, Minimal Score, Fast Death, Fast Life
SH ~ Minimal Swaps, Minimal Score, Fast Death, Fast Life, 2P Rings
SSR ~ Minimal Score
Riders ~ Gear Challenge

Minimal A - Press "A" as little as possible, and get as fast of time as possible. An amount takes priority over speed. If we can't enable a double chart, we will have to sacrifice time and just make this similar to minimal score. And trust me, this isn't as easy it sounds...for instance, most people wouldn't think Sky Rail m2 would be able to done without pressing A in under a minute.

Minimal Score - Get as low of score as you can, you are not allowed to die in your run.

Fast Death: DIE as fast as you can. Time ends when the timer stops.

Fast Life: Get a 1-up as fast as you can. You must immediately pause afterwards, but it only counts if your life counter goes up...otherwise you will have to unpause and pause again. Round your time down to the nearest second. In SA2, you must use m1. I explain it a bit better in the SA2 challenge topic, but I'm too lazy to check what that says <_<.

2P Rings: Get as much rings as you can in 2P mode of SA2 and SH. Your partner may not do anything, and Handicap must be turned off. Time may be on or off by your choice.

Minimal Swaps: In SH, beat the level changing partners as little as you can while aiming for the fastest time as possible.

Gear Challenge: Beat the track and aim for the best time possible either for Best Lap or Total Time only using the specified gear.


Oh and I think I have a solution to the problem I addressed: You are not allowed to die in your run for Minimal Swaps, as that seems reasonable (plus you used it for Minimal Score as well).

To save people some typing, here are some charts you can copy and past ife you want to record your stats here:

Seaside Hill
Ocean Palace
Grand Metropolis
Power Plant
Casino Park
BINGO Highway
Rail Canyon
Bullet Station
Frog Forest
Lost Jungle
Hang Castle
Mystic Mansion
Egg Fleet
Final Fortress

Seaside Hill
Ocean Palace
Grand Metropolis
Power Plant
Casino Park
BINGO Highway
Rail Canyon
Bullet Station
Frog Forest
Lost Jungle
Hang Castle
Mystic Mansion
Egg Fleet
Final Fortress

Seaside Hill
Ocean Palace
Grand Metropolis
Power Plant
Casino Park
BINGO Highway
Rail Canyon
Bullet Station
Frog Forest
Lost Jungle
Hang Castle
Mystic Mansion
Egg Fleet
Final Fortress

Seaside Hill
Ocean Palace
Grand Metropolis
Power Plant
Casino Park
BINGO Highway
Rail Canyon
Bullet Station
Frog Forest
Lost Jungle
Hang Castle
Mystic Mansion
Egg Fleet
Final Fortress
« Last Edit: June 08, 2007, 05:44:16 pm by knuckles_sonic8 »

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Offline JBertolli

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #35 on: June 08, 2007, 07:38:18 pm »
And I don't know how you didn't use any swaps in Seaside/Dark. You probably used checkpoints.

Nope, I didn't use any checkpoints nor any swapping. I'll try a lot more levels tonight (after I'm done planning my Spyro 2 speedrun).

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #36 on: June 08, 2007, 08:10:14 pm »
Sweet! Maybe I'll give it a go again.
Next time, be sure to record your time. I'm interested to learn of the stats you get. :)

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Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2007, 12:45:03 am »
I hope it's not too late to submit. Anyways:

SA2 Fast Death(just one)

Final Rush=0:05:65

It was hard to write down the mini sec. =)
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Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #38 on: June 10, 2007, 11:04:43 am »
They're very serious, mike. :( The only thing I'd honestly be interested in is default equipment for Riders only because I hate the High Booster so fucking much. :/
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Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2007, 01:33:05 pm »
^ EXACTLY! That's why I thought of it. It's perfect as MANY have expressed similar sentiments.

Conker, it won't be "too late". This sub-site idea is still in the development stages.

LK64, you're right, I cleared Dark/Seaside w/o swaps. I beat it in 4:25:64.

Other stats - Heroes:
2P Rings -
Seaside Hill: 301
Grand Metropolis: 133
Egg Treat: 256 (Don't think there's a "max", per se)
Rail Canyon: 176
Frog Forest: 413

1-Up -
Casino/Sonic: 2:00 1:34
BINGO/S: 1:03
Power/Chaotix: 1:25 1:08
Ocean/C: 0:54

QUESTION: Are we doing BINGO Highway in Action Race for 2P Rings? I don't think we should do Pinball Match in Ring Race but what about BH?

Other stats - SA2B
2P Rings:
Radical Highway: 762! (Can't believe this is STILL not the max)
Metal Harbor: 155 (Not the max either.)

Aquatic Mine: 6.09 5.82
Green Hill: 1.64 (Got this twice so maybe it's the max)

NOTE: I'd like to help make rough charts for early divisions.

Re: Riders divisions
I'm standing by these:
(1) Default
(2) The Crazy
MAYBE: Trap Gear <- not too sure: you can't boost with this one so that's another challenge in itself but you can execute unlimited tornadoes - those tornadoes can be used to go faster

I'm going to experiment with more and see if they should be suggested/discussed.

Charts made for:

* Sonic Heroes Challenges
EDIT: * Sonic Adventure (DX) Challenges

IDEA: I think maybe just the Default Gear will suffice for Riders gear challenge... Unless there are "any objections"? Unless maybe we could have sub-divisions for SPEED, POWER, and FLIGHT? Should we do the Ring challenge?

I need to know as I'm trying to develop charts ATM. Also, can someone grab me a list of all the stages in SA2(B)? I don't feel like doing that right now - that would help.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2007, 02:53:25 pm by knuckles_sonic8 »

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Offline JBertolli

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #40 on: June 13, 2007, 01:17:22 pm »
Fastest Death

Seaside Hill
Sonic - 8.58
Dark - 9.04
Rose - 4.71
Chaotix - 3.73

Ocean Palace
Sonic - 7.71
Dark - 7.71
Rose - 7.16
Chaotix - 4.09

Grand Metropolis
Sonic - 10.66
Dark - 10.66
Rose - 12.93
Chaotix - 3.56

Power Plant
Sonic - 6.66
Dark - 3.76
Rose - 4.44
Chaotix - 5.44

Just some more Fastest Death times of mine. I have videos of all these times.

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #41 on: June 13, 2007, 02:32:29 pm »
As you can see by comparing mine and LK64's stats, the max's for Ocean Palace, Grand Metropolis for Team's Sonic and Dark can be easily maxed.

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Offline Bilan

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Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #42 on: June 13, 2007, 02:40:48 pm »
Im almost tempted to go beat you both, but its Heroes and I cant be arsed.
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2007, 02:43:44 pm »
Lol. Why not? Just got for it. What've you got to lose anyway...


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Offline Ring Rush

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #44 on: June 13, 2007, 03:01:19 pm »
Ks8 in competition central there is a topic for SA2 stuff, unless the subsite goes up take the SA2 challenges to there.
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Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #45 on: June 13, 2007, 03:11:14 pm »
Lol. Why not? Just got for it. What've you got to lose anyway...

The time I could be spending staring at my javascript crap trying to make it work <_<
Did you not think I had a mind?

Offline JBertolli

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #46 on: June 13, 2007, 04:15:50 pm »
Fastest Death

Ocean Palace
Sonic - 7.71
Dark - 7.71
Chaotix - 4.09

Grand Metropolis
Sonic - 10.66
Dark - 10.66

Power Plant
Dark - 3.76

These are the records I believe are maxed. On Sonic/Dark's Grand Metropolis, you have to die on the first life or you'll get 10.69 for doing the same exact thing after restarting.

Offline KnucklesSonic8

Re: The Sonic Custom Challenge Center (TSCCC)
« Reply #47 on: June 13, 2007, 04:17:38 pm »
^ Yeah, see. On SOME levels, the max is easy to obtain.

And RR, I know. I've gone to that topic a few times here and there but since I dropped out of the race for SA2 rankings, I don't check there anymore. But if this sub-site does come through, it'll renew my interest in the game (although, admittedly, Green Hill has already done that well).

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